• warn risa

    Tautan ke beberapa berkas yang terlampir di sini - untuk sementara - dinonaktifkan. Harap maklum.

  • Asih-Asah-Asuh


    The meaningful life can result only from the experience of love and this implies commitment and dedication to another.

    We are each gifted with an enormous but unique potential. However, in our rendezvous with destiny, we have to take chances, run risks, get rejected and be hurt, be knock down and get back up on our feet.

    The only real failure is the one from which we learn nothing.

    Goodfinders are those who look for and find what is good in themselves, in others, and in all situations of life.

    Love person, use things! This is the truth that will set us free.

  • "Anda belum hidup sukses hari ini kecuali telah melakukan sesuatu bagi seseorang yang takkan pernah dapat membalas budi Anda." (John Bunyan)

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